Do you want to start a SAAB or Brother to Brother chapter on your school or institution? We would love to have you join our national network! Please see the process for starting a chapter below:
- Contact the SAAB National Headquarters to gather more information regarding the start-up process and/or gain official authorization to begin the process to start a chapter. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be created and executed between your academic institution/K-12 School District and SAAB National.
- Note: SAAB HQ is willing to extend a complimentary zoom meeting (up to 1 hour) to discuss the work and success of SAAB along with the start-up process in more depth. We encourage interested schools/institutions to invite key stakeholders to this meeting.
- Create a student steering committee with, at minimum, 15 – 20 students at your school who reflect the student population(s) you wish to target. The steering committee should also include at least two or more professional staff, faculty, or administrators who will serve as advisors. Your steering committee will be required to follow a three-month planning module to allow adequate time to develop the chapter’s strategic plan and leadership team. SAAB National is available to all chapters for support during the development phase and beyond.
- Schedule your SAAB kick-off site visit with SAAB National. A SAAB National representative will visit to lead the orientation and strategic planning sessions with the steering committee. (Fees required – see step #6)
- (OPTIONAL) Submit the proper paperwork to establish a recognized student organization on your campus. This process varies from campus to campus. SAAB is more than a club or student organization. It is considered a “major initiative” on college campuses as it is designed to address the systemic challenges facing men of color. Therefore, it is critical to adhere to the instructions and guidelines outlined by your institution. We also recommend each chapter takes the time to educate their community on the purpose of the chapter and the mission of SAAB.
- (OPTIONAL) Arrange a recognition ceremony once your chapter has been established to formally introduce the organization to the campus. We highly encourage that at least one member of SAAB National be invited, along with key campus constituents (i.e., President or Chancellor, other administrators, faculty, staff, appropriate community leaders and other student leaders).
- Cost for collegiate chapters: The total start-up cost for collegiate chapters is $8000 plus travel/ground transportation/hotel expenses. This cost includes the following:
- Two required training sessions conducted by a SAAB National representative:
- 1) Campus/School Orientation and 2) Steering Committee Leadership Training: $7,000 ($3,500 per session)
- Annual membership dues for the first year: $1,000
- Two required training sessions conducted by a SAAB National representative:
- Cost for high school chapters: The total start-up cost for middle and high school chapters is $7,500. This cost includes:
- Two required training sessions conducted by a SAAB National representative:
- 1) Campus/School Orientation and 2) Steering Committee Leadership Training = $7,000 ($3,500 per session)
- Annual membership dues for the first year: $500
- Two required training sessions conducted by a SAAB National representative:
- [Strongly Recommended] Consider inviting SAAB National to lead follow-up training sessions in Year 2 to ensure the chapter’s effectiveness and compliance.
SAAB’s Statement of Affiliation

SAAB is an evidence-based initiative designed to address the needs of underserved male and female students given the systemic disparities that tend to face these groups academically, personally and professionally. While SAAB’s original charge in 1990 was focused largely on Black men, we recognized in 2006 the need to be sensitive to Title VI and Title IX issues and recognized that the disparities facing all students (male and female) exist in varying degrees. To allow flexibility for our chapters and ensure all students feel validated in our much needed transformative experience, we permit schools and institutions to use the names “Brother to Brother”, “SAAB” or “Sisters to Sisters”. SAAB chapters represent men and women from every racial group/ethnicity and creed. SAAB does not discriminate, or limit membership based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other traditional and primary dimensions that would typically exclude others from participation. All SAAB Chapter “General Body” meetings are open to the general public regardless of their existence on a public or private educational campus.