I thank God for SAAB, as it has shown me a better/healthy way of living, respecting myself, and loving others.
– Briggs (Cleveland, OH)
Good Morning Dr. Bledsoe!
I woke up this morning to this morning! And it happened to that I woke up early because I felt someone pulled me out of bed. Said it’s time to grind! I have been unstoppable since the day you hugged me in that hotel lobby 5 years ago at the SAAB Conference. That belief you passed into my spirit at that very moment is all the fuel I need to live again and to fulfill my dream! I’m a father now and My son has me as the father I never had and a the mentorship I received from you i am teaching him. Leaving that footprint as you left yours in me. The path of the righteous and in faith!
God Bless You Dr. Bledsoe and thank you again for saving my life and salvaging my dream and your continuing in doing the same for so many others! You are truly amazing and I hope your sons and close mentees know the Angel they have in you as their daily inspiration. I’m just glad I at least got a hug! Sir, there’s just something about your TOUCH!
I’ll always remember you sir and I’ll continue to tell My Son about this incredible Man of God—who TOUCHED me! Thank You Sir!
– Cendejaz (Chicago, IL)
I am thankful for SAAB because of the experience of being apart of a brotherhood, being able to grow as a student and a man, and the guidance you provide in seeing to the success of young men.
– Stallings (St. Louis, MO)
Im thankful for SAAB because it has given me exposure, engagement, and love that empowered me through opportunities/service to become who God is calling me to be!
– Robinson (Detroit, MI)
I must thank God for SAAB because it’s strengthened me in times I’ve been weak and feel like I can’t accomplish anything. This Brotherhood and this friendship is nothing I take for granted and I can’t say thank you enough.
Isaiah 43:18-19
“Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”
– Brown (Toledo, OH)
SAAB has changed my life in many ways. Having a group of aspiring men is what I needed for my time in college. Dr. Bledsoe has been the perfect mentor and the brotherhood I have built with the brother nationwide is a lifetime relationship. #SAABStrongForever
– Landrum (Los Angeles, CA)
I am thankful for SAAB and the entire process. The guidance, experience and love that is shown is unreal. Every brother bringing out something different in you.
– Paige ( San Francisco, CA)
I am my Brother’s Keeper! I am so eternally grateful for SAAB. I’ve been connected to SAAB since 2009 and the lessons I have learned over the years will stay with me for a lifetime. I’m blessed to be able to call all of the other men in the organization my brothers. We push one another to be great and to lead by example as men of distinction and of true character. Thank you Doc for paving the way for 30 years. I’m looking forward to the next 30!
– Hill (Toledo, OH)
I am thankful for SAAB for giving me lifelong brotherly relationships, cultivating my vision and giving my life direction. SAAB is still changing my life. Thank you @Dr. Tyrone Bledsoe for being obedient to the call on your life and vision for this organization and all of us. If you didn’t say yes to the call, I’m not sure where I would be. Love you Doc. #SavingLivesSalvagingDreams #SAABSTRONG
– Vance (Los Angeles, CA)
When I met Doc over 20 years ago, I was a freshman in undergrad who was simply happy to be away from home. No plan, no goals and lacking vision and purpose, SAAB afforded me the opportunity to connect with brothers in my immediate circle whose experiences were very similar. Those bonds created within me the love that I have for the organization.
Many of the values that I espouse in my personal and professional life today have been shaped by SAAB’s principles and Doc’s leadership and guidance. I am eternally grateful to Doc for his mentorship, and the spirit of care and love that he has shown to me and my family through the years.
Without question, I would not be the man that I am today had it not been for my connection to Doc, who I hold in such high regard, and this great organization; and I am so proud to see the legacy continue to grow as so many young men behind me get to see and experience the impact of SAAB in their lives. Happy 30th!
– Davis (Charlotte, NC)
He answered the call and then he called to us even louder! The tide that truly lifts all boats
SAAB literally changed my life in an instant. Doc has this funny way of seeing far far deeper than the reality most of us live in! We ALL know Doc is a visionary; a legend.
There truly aren’t words to describe how grateful I am. Therefore I must materialize it into actions. I’ll never be able to get even—but I’ll always be able to give back
– Gutierrez (Seattle, WA)
Much of what society lacks today has been implemented in SAAB’s principles; Intellectual Development, Proactive Leadership and Accountability. Those three principles have enabled me to think, analyze and respond in a way that strengthens my life instead of sabotaging it. Doc, I thank you for creating SAAB, the organization sharpened me and made me effective not only in the world but also in my home. #SAABSTRONG365
– Baker (Tucson, AZ)
I thank God for SAAB because it has empowered me spiritually more than anything.
Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
– Drane (Toledo, OH)
I thank God for SAAB because it shows me what brotherhood looks like! The fact we are all in different states and still manage to receive a powerful word from God while creating a bond that will last for a lifetime!
– Bledsoe (Dallas, TX)
I’m thankful / grateful for the Lord blessing me to grow individually as a better man in SAAB, not to mention the experience, and exposure SAAB has allowed me to witness as a. SAAB HQ staff person and etc., for many decades!! Congrats Doc, for passionately starting a life changing/saving organization!! #ProudBrother #SAABPROUD #30Years #Blessing!!!
– Bledsoe (Springfield, MO)
I’m thankful for SAAB because it gave me the opportunity to be apart of an environment that challenged me and shifted my perspective of Black men.
– Brown (Cleveland, OH)
I thank god for SAAB because it has given me life long mentoring, brotherhood, and inspiration. I’m also grateful for SAAB for making me grow as a better man.
– Stallings (Cincinnati, OH)
I’m thankful for SAAB because of the diligent and outstanding brothers that I am blessed to know. I’m also grateful for SAAB for allowing me to better myself each and everyday
– Iheme (Atlanta, GA)
I thank god for SAAB because it has given me life long mentoring, brotherhood, and inspiration. I’m also grateful for SAAB for making me grow as a better man.
– Gore (Wilmington, NC)
I am thankful for SAAB because it’s given me life-long brotherhood, exposure and how to be better man in life. Lastly, how to respect myself and others around me.
– Moore (Dayton, OH)
Growing from a boy to a man can be a difficult and often dangerous journey for a black male in America. One that is fraught with triumphs and traumas, imbued with a keen sense of self awareness – an evolutionary instinct that can mean life or death.
Processing that ever changing world around us is a burdenous task that when not appropriately nurtured, can lead to self or even community destruction. This understanding is rooted in the very core of an organization that has celebrated 30 years of improving the life outcomes and redefining the narrative for black males. Tyrone Bledsoe Phd, the visionary who created (SAAB National Headquarters) was decades ahead of what is now trendy and for 30+ years has dedicated his life to this work. And it shows.
It shows through the products of his work, of which I am humble to be one of hundreds, if not thousands. I first became involved with SAAB as a college sophomore on the campus of Ohio University, then I was one of about 2 dozen black males on campus gathered by one of our trusted on-campus mentors to be part of a focus group that ultimately led to the establishment of our chapter, the first on a campus in the state of Ohio. Through weekly meetings and high standards, we sharpened into model students, that were now traveling the country with Doc (Bledsoe) to be examples of the programs success.
– Joyce (SAAB Board Member, Santa Barbara, CA)
A few years into my first career of journalism, Doc asked if I would join the national board of the organization, which also became an opportunity to maintain a connection to the organizations work. The work is as important now as it ever was, but now has a track record of 3 decades impacting the lives of young men, mostly Black and Brown, but also the lives of those people who come in contact with brothers who have had a SAAB experience.
Dear Dr. Bledsoe, I am a brother at the University of Louisville SAAB chapter and have been a member for 4 years. The reason for me writing to you is in response to our talk we had at the conference. We spoke about graduate school, and you told me that you would be willing to help me get into graduate school no matter what, as long as I didn’t waste your time. I was stressing out daily worrying about my low GRE score, and my GPA not being good enough… But since we spoke about your GRE scores and how that did not stop you, it allowed me to breathe a little easier. I would like to say thanks again for your kind words of encouragement.
Also, I would like say that your assistance will not be needed. Since we last spoke, God has blessed me with the opportunity of being accepted to several schools, 4 to be exact. I’ve not only been accepted to those schools, but offered a research assistance-ship at 2 of those schools and I’m currently awaiting an offer from a 3rd.
This message is in no way meant to boast about my own accomplishments, but to encourage you to continue doing what you are doing. I would just like to say thank you very much for those kind words in our brief conversation. Words cannot fully express my gratitude, thank you and SAAB for all it has done for me in my 4 years as an undergraduate. Thank you
Dr. Bledsoe, SAAB does what it is supposed to do. Help Men Graduate! When I needed help you were there. Standing in the void, pulling brothers up to your level. I didn’t ask for your help. I didn’t even know I needed it. But you were there. I understand now why you do what you do. I hope this gives you as much gratification as it does me and my family. Regards, James Wallace, President – SAAB Northwest Indiana Chapter – Indiana University Northwest
When I think of SAAB, I think of all the opportunities that may have not been open to me otherwise and really a lot of learning experiences. I feel so blessed to be associated with and to be an integral part of the organization. It really touches my heart to know that there is something in the world that can create the same love that I would get from my family and is continuing to motivate me to be the greatest that I can possibly be. As I look back on all of my years involved with SAAB, I realize that I have traveled the country to places that I never thought I would go and it’s so amazing that at the age of 18 I can look back and say that I have traveled the country talking to people and putting on presentations and simply networking. SAAB is such a true blessing.
However there is one thing that surpasses the whole material aspect of it all and that would be the relationship that I have with our founder Dr. Tyrone Bledsoe. See the thing about “Doc” as everyone lovingly calls him, is that he takes time to really get to know you and make you important to him. But , the relationship that I have with Doc is spiritual I know God put us in each other’s lives for a reason and I couldn’t thank Doc enough for the things that he has done for me in the 4 years that I’ve known him. His brother Jerome is the same way because you can talk to Jerome about anything under the sun and he will listen and be able to give you helpful feedback and he is like an uncle to me.
Something that blew me away was at a conference when a brother came up to me and said that I was an inspiration and a part of his motivation. Then he went on to tell me that Doc talks about me around the country and then and there I just knew that I was loved. Of course Doc shows me that he does, but it didn’t really sink in until that point —and since then it’s only gotten better. Now, I work in the SAAB National Headquarters on the campus of the University of Toledo, continue to travel and speak to people, help coordinate high school SAAB chapters as well as new middle school chapters, have a new laptop issued to me by the SAAB National Headquarters, and the list continues.
As long as I stay positive and refuse to quit then I know that I will become everything that my mother and grandmothers prayed for me to be and more. Derek Shy, The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio January, 2009
Hello Dr. Bledsoe. Your message was powerful. Thank you again. I met you at a Visions meeting. Yes, I was Spiritually shocked by the thoughts and ideas that you shared with the group on that particular day. I felt glad throughout the entire day. Within that day I felt as if I was someone with a purpose as of just being Christopher Lee Gamble, which is myself. Today I accept whom I am becoming or whom I will become. I also accept the fact that I have to obtain an adult high school diploma. Thanks again and you have been an inspiration in my life. Christopher Gamble, Durham Tech Community College, Durham, North Carolina December, 2008
SAAB has given me a second chance. The reason why I said that is because if people only knew what my past life was like in school and how I used to pick fights, hit teachers, throw objects at students, and the whole nine yards. Then they’ll see why I used A Second Chance.
SAAB has what I’ve been fighting for since I’d changed my life and got involved with politics in Kankakee County. You see in SAAB it doesn’t matter what you’ve done in the past, if you have a police record, if your personal life at home is not good, if you don’t have enough money to wear the hottest name brand clothes that are out, it doesn’t matter! because in SAAB when you put on that dress shirt and tie we’re all equal!, We’re all one body, we’re all in this together. If one of us is hurt then we’re all hurt, if one of us is happy then we’re all happy, If one needs something we try our best to see that as long as we’re together that person will want for nothing more. You see it doesn’t matter what color, race, religion, etc that we are. Because at the end of the day we’re all brothers!!
In SAAB you get a Second Chance to redeem yourself. You get a Second chance to have the family, father figure, older brother, or a positive male figure that you’ve only dreamt about, you get a second chance to express yourself and never have to worry about somebody laughing at you, pointing their fingers and making fun of you. Because we all are striving for the same goal in life and that’s to be a better person.
SAAB is what I’ve dreamed for, a Brotherhood, (not a Organization) that allows us males of all race and color to express ourselves without getting negative feedback, without having to be reminded of our past, and without getting looked at by others as if we’re not all equal. Racism is still alive and like I tell people, to me us males are all the same —the only thing that’s different about us is the difference in our skin color, if you think about it there’s only two colors in us all which are BLACK & LIGHT.
SAAB has given me a second chance to redeem myself and get my life together—and to put my gifts to use of something good and positive. SAAB has done a lot for me since I’ve heard about it and joined.
With our SAAB motto I try to live it in my everyday life. I wouldn’t trade this Brotherhood for anything in the world, because I believe in our motto: I AM MY BROTHER’S KEEPER……AND TOGETHER WE WILL RISE! Kankakee High School Student, SAAB (Brother 2 Brother) Chapter, Kankakee, Illinois January 2009
Hello Everyone, My name is Tony D. Beck and I’m and student at Kankakee High School. In the High School there’s a organization that gives the young men a chance and a change that is so much needed in our the generation of today. This organization of brotherhood unites the young men in the school with our motto: I am My Brother’s Keeper and Together We Will Rise, Saving Lives Salvaging Dreams! and to the young men in the organization that means a lot. That’s what keeps us going.
Brother 2 Brother gives us the chance to let our voices be heard and don’t worry about getting laugh at or brushed off. It gives us the family that most of us don’t have. It gives us the path we need to make ourselves better. Many young men in the organization express themselves and tells us how people would tell them that they wouldn’t amount to anything because of their past.
But Brother 2 Brother helps us Learn from our Past, Live in our Present, and Prepare for our future. Because what you put in life will determine what you get out. Brother 2 Brother is what everybody needs to know about. It’s not like other organizations out in the world today. It gives us the chance to be better. To want to be better. We learn that we need each other. We learn that we can be better. If I go to our National Conference in March I’ll come back and show you pictures of how Brother 2 Brother has touch the life’s of all young brothers of every color, race, you name it Brother to Brother has touch them in a special way. I hope that we last for every.
Thank you Dr. Tyrone Bledsoe who founded this wonderful helping tool to help young brothers be better in life. Also thank you to Kankakee High School Dean of Students and Brother 2 Brother Adviser Mr. Marcus Strother. He has help touch the young men lives in the KHS Chapter. We love Mr. Strother and I want to thank him for everything he has done and in advance for everything he going to do for me and Brother 2 Brother. I’m so glad and proud to say this with all the love in my heart that I’m glad to be apart of Brother 2 Brother. This is History in the Making. Thank you for your ear in this time of a New and fresh Start in 2009. Anthony {Tony } D. Beck Kankakee County Youth Advocate 549 South Wildwood Kankakee, Illinois October 2008
Hello, I would just like to say Thank You, for the great conference this weekend in San Diego. I was so very proud and elated to see our young brothers and older brothers – all together in one place – for a great cause.
I saw so much respect and pride – Young, Gifted and Black. I would like to thank the founder, Dr. Bledsoe for allowing a waiver for my nephew, Donshay Bandy. Donshay is a great young man, but he needs positive and constant role models in his life. His father is in prison, but he never has let that get in the way of his passion to succeed, and football. He is a good student – which I emphasis first and foremost. He does not come from a home that gets it – for our youth. But, I Thank God, that his grandmother and me – try to do the best that we can with him – and so far, so good.
I saw the pride, confidence in Donshay, Malcom and Malichi – other young men who attended the conference – immediately – upon picking them up from the conference. I felt so inspired by these very young men – who are already smart, but the conference – just delivered more – confidence and pride within them – and in their souls.
I was so honored to be in their presence on the way home – asking, and listening to their thoughts. I call them the young – “Barack Obamas”. I told them – they sounded as if they were in the White House.
Thank You all so much. Your staff was awesome too. I will Thank – an awesome brother here in San Diego – Michael Brunker, Director of the Jackie Robinson YMCA, one who is constantly “bringing it – in the community. Sincerely, D. Ann Roberson, M.C.D.C.C. Adjunct Professor, San Diego City College November, 2008