This page was designed to offer possible scholarships to help SAAB participants find scholarships and grants that are being given away by non-profit organizations, government agencies and major corporations. Most of these programs aim to assist disadvantaged people who come from poor families and can not afford to pay for college. However, there are also programs that recognize and award students who can demonstrate excellence in education, sports, etc. regardless of their financial status. Please be aware that SAAB is only recommending these resources; however, we are not the manager or grantor of any of these scholarships.
Below are the top scholarship awards available
Academic Competitiveness Grant
Actuarial Diversity Scholarship
American Copy Editors Society Scholarship
Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarships
Beacon Partners Healthcare IT Scholarships
Detroit Regional Dollars for Scholars
Development Fund for Black Students in Science and Technology
ESA Foundation Computer & Video Game Scholarship Program
Future Engineers Scholarship Program
Gates Millennium Scholarship Program
Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program
National Association for Gifted Children
KFC Colonel’s Scholars Program
National Merit Scholarship Program
National Institute of Health Undergraduate Scholarship Program
PMI Educational Foundation Scholarships
Radio Television Digital News Association
Ronald Reagan College Leaders Scholarship
The Akash Kuruvilla Memorial Scholarship
The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund
Thurgood Marshall College Fund Scholarships
Tylenol Future Care Scholarship
U.S. Bank Internet Scholarship Program
United Negro College Fund Scholarships
U. S. Department of Agriculture
William B. Ruggles Right to Work Journalism Scholarship